Monday, August 22, 2011

2 Chronicles 26:5

2 Chronicles 26:5 (regarding King Uzziah)

He sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the visions of God; and as long as he sought the Lord, God made him prosper.

There is a healer in the house today. He’s here to bring healing to our bodies, minds, and souls.

There is a deliverer in the house today. He’s here to set us free from those things that can so easily overwhelm us.

There is mercy in the house today because Jesus, our Savior and Lord is here.

Good Morning Father.

You are here to remind us of Your goodness. You are here to remind us that, like Uzziah, as long as we seek You, we will prosper. To prosper means to succeed, to be fortunate, to thrive, and to flourish.

When we seek You, You give us the ability to succeed - to accomplish the plan that You have for our lives and Your church.

When we seek You, we are fortunate, because You give abundantly above anything we could ask or think.

When we seek You, we thrive, we grow. And When we seek You, we increase, we amplify and we blossom. It has nothing to do with us, Father, it’s all about You. But as we seek You, Father, help us to seek the giver not the gift. Give our hearts a desire to lift You high above all of our earthy kings, our 3 little pigs, and those things that so easily drag us down.

Father, today we renew our commitment to seek You and to actively pursue our relationship with You. Today we renew our commitment to continue to seek Your will for this church. We will not give up in defeat or allow ourselves to be distracted. We renew our commitment to follow Jesus as we are cleansed and renewed by His blood.

Father, be blessed as we praise, be honored as we worship and may we live to make God famous. In the name of Your Son Jesus, we pray.


Hosea 6:1-3

Good morning Father,

In the middle of our often mixed up days, we hear You inviting us to return to You. You invite us to spend time with You. To talk with You and to experience once again Your great mercy and love. You invite us to come into your presence.

But often our thoughts are far from You. All of a sudden, our day becomes cluttered. The train breaks down, making us late for work. The engine light comes on in our car. We have a flat tire. We trip and fall down. We lose something or someone and our whole world turns upside down. Just by distraction, our thoughts have turned far from You. And we wonder, Father, where are You. Then comes a moment in time when You remind us of Your invitation to return our thoughts to You; we have an encounter, perhaps we have entertained an angel; who reminds us that You’re still here….watching, waiting, and loving us with immeasurable passion.

Your goodness overwhelms us. Your compassion encompasses us. Your faithfulness astounds us. And we begin to praise You for who You are.

Today, Father, as You are blessed by our praise, will You restore to us the joy of our salvation. As You are honored by our worship, will You repair our broken hearts, our broken minds, our broken bodies, and our broken families. And Father as Your Kingdom comes and Your will is done in this place, will You rebuild our lives so that we can accomplish Your plan and Your purpose for us.

Father, we ask that You in your great mercy, Forgive our sins and heal our land. Today we make a conscious choice to once again return to You. We choose to purse You and knowledge of You. Today, we choose to live to make Jesus famous.

Thank you, Father, for the invitation to return, to be in Your presence once again.

In the name of Your Son Jesus, we pray. Amen

Monday, August 15, 2011

1 Timothy 6:6

Good morning Father.

The dictionary tells us that Godliness is conforming to the laws and wishes of God. It tells us that contentment is the state of being satisfied. And you tell us, Father, that the combination of Godliness and contentment is great gain. Not just a little gain, but great gain. What an incredible God you are to offer such a gift.

You offer times of peace, smiles of acceptance, relief, quietness and rest. You offer us satisfaction that eliminates all of our cravings. And yet somehow we overlook Your precious gift. We hang on to our busy schedules, our frustrations, and our worries.

We trade contentment for debt, we trade Godliness for ulcers and headaches; and yet your gift still remains, ready and waiting for us to accept what you offer.

Forgive us father for hanging on to our selfish lives. Help us accept You and the gifts you so freely offer us. Give us an understanding that makes us run to you at the first sign of worry; at the first sign of frustration; and at the first sign of fear.

Be blessed as we praise, Father; Be honored as we worship and may Your kingdom come and Your will be done here, just like it is in Heaven.

In Jesus name we pray.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Isaiah 40:28-31

Good Morning Holy Father,

You are everlasting, the alpha and omega, the first and the last. How do we understand such a concept. Everything we have or do starts and stops, but You ARE. You never grow weary, and there is no limit to your power and strength.

Father, we so often turn to you for strength when we are tired. And You give us strength for the day, but we often miss that you also include Your power. Walking in the power of Your might causes our strength to multiply and abound. You offer more than we have capacity to understand. Paul would tell us that would rather boast in his infirmities so that the power of Christ could rest upon Him. The Hebrew writer would tell us to let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Today, Father, we surrender the 3 little pigs that we grasp so tightly; our pride, our prosperity, and our priorities to You. We make a conscious choice to walk Your way, following Your path, knowing that in our surrender You will provide Your power and Your strength for this incredible journey.

Father be with those who are hurting today. You tell us that You were wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement for our peace was on You and by Your stripes we are healed. Father, bring Your healing power to those whose hearts are hurting today. Jesus accepted the chastisement for our peace so that You could bring us into a state of favor and peace with you Abba Father. Help us to be Your hand extended to those in need, and who are hurting. Let us be distributors of Your peace. Thank you that all of our needs were met at the cross, through the precious blood of Your one and only Son, Jesus.

Father, Be blessed as we praise, Be honored as we worship; and may Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

In the name of Your Son Jesus, we pray. Amen

Habakkuk 3:17-18

Good Morning Father.
Today we pause to rejoice in the Lord, to experience joy in our God, the God of our Salvation.
Sometimes the rebuilding process of our lives may seem slow, confusing, and even frustrating, but You never change.  No matter what the circumstances of our lives, You are our sure foundation.  You are our solid rock.  You are Almighty, all powerful, all knowing, and always available.
Today, Father, we choose to give You thanks, praise, and adoration.  Mighty God, we choose to enter Your courts with Thanksgiving in our hearts and praises on our lips.  We make a conscious choice to look beyond what we see, and give You praise and honor.  We love You Father; we love You, Jesus, and we love Your presence; the precious Holy Spirit that you have sent to bring us comfort in our times of distress.
Jesus, use us, to share your love with those around us……and those in need.  Bring us, and our family members into a new and fresh relationship with You.  Touch our hearts, Father, Change us to be like Jesus.
Be blessed by our praise, be honored by our worship, and may we live to make Jesus famous.
In the name of Your son Jesus we pray.  Amen