Sunday, May 22, 2011

Psalms 34:4-6

Good morning, Father;
Your promises are ageless. You never change. And just like in the days of King David, when we run to You, You come to our rescue. You save us in our time of troubles. The message says You get us out of tight spots. The funny thing about it is that we get ourselves into trouble, but Your incredible love wants to come and rescue us anyway. Anyone else would say, you got yourself into this, now get yourself out. But you not only deliver us, you make us radiant, bright with joy and hope.
Father, you desire that we run to You. You desire to be the most important person in our lives. You are the greatest love that we could ever know. Father, give us the ability to love you so much that there is no room for sin, for distraction, for anything that would keep You from having first place in our hearts.
Today we choose to open our hearts and let You in. We choose to give you first place in our lives. We choose to believe in your promise to help us; to rescue us; and to deliver us from evil.
Father, be blessed as we praise, be honored as we worship. And let Your will be done on earth, just like it is in heaven.
In the name of Your son Jesus, we pray

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hebrews 2.1

Good Morning Father.

A man named Leonard Nemoy wrote a book of poetry called “We are all children searching for love” We search and search for Acres of Diamonds only to learn that we left them in our own back yard. We search for security, for happiness, for peace, and for stability in the storms; only to find like that those who searched before us we have looked in all the wrong places.

Our answer comes not from seeking something new, but in understanding the time honored truths of Your Word. The most reliable source of truth was written thousands of years ago. The truth of Your Word, Father, has remained. Your promises have held their ground against every storm, against every wind of change, and against every attack of the enemy.

Father, it’s time to stop searching and start trusting. It’s time to rely on, to cling to, and stand in faith on Your promises.

Your promises give us ….not a worthless futile existence, but a life with purpose, filled with Your abundance.

Your promises declare that our failures will not destroy us because You never leave us nor forsake us.

You promise that our death is not final because You chose to prepare a place for us to come and live with You forever.

You are, Father, our reason to live, our reason to hope, and our future. Help us to hang on to your promises with everything we have, so that we do not let them drift past us. Help us memorize and meditate on Your Words of truth; so that they will become our very existence.

Father, be blessed as we praise and honored as we worship. And may Your Kingdom come and Your will be done…..just as it is in Heaven.

In the name of Your Son Jesus we pray.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Psalms 4.2-3

Good Morning Father

We have to admit, Father, we know You are good, we know You are filled with love for us. And yet sometimes we wonder about Your ways. We don’t understand them. Do you look in dismay at our ways?

As we approach Easter, the celebration of Jesus resurrection, are you reminded of how we honored Jesus?

Jesus came to defeat our greatest foes and in return, we gave him a procession of honor. Romans, Jews, priests, men, and women walked along, while Jesus tried in vain to carry a heavy cross. We offered taunts, slurs, and mocking. Did our way of expressing honor astound You?

We offered Jesus wine of honor. Instead of the best wine like Jesus gave at the wedding in Cana; instead of using David’s golden cup, we offered vinegar and gall stuffed into his mouth with a sponge. Were you appalled at our actions?

Did we offer Jesus King David’s golden throne, a throne of honor? No, we honored Jesus with a rough piece of wood on a bone exposed back. We offer Jesus the same throne today Father, only we are much more civilized. We simply say, my comfort first, and Jesus get’s the leftovers. Do our ways hurt You, Father? I know our ways, hurt us.

We offered Jesus a title of honor. Pilate sarcastically called him King of the Jews. The Jews righteously called Him King of Thieves by honoring Barabbas first.

Father, we stand without excuse. We are undeserving recipients of mercy, grace, and passionate love. We humbly ask, create in us a clean hearts and renew Your steadfast spirit in us. Restore our souls with the joy Your incredible salvation and uphold us with Your generous Spirit. Forgive our sins, heal our land. Be blessed by our praise; be honored by our worship. And may King Jesus be lifted high today.

We ask in the name of Your Son, our King Jesus.


Psalms 73:26

Good Morning, Father.
In our moments of time we have nothing, but You.  You are the strength that keeps us going from day to day.  You are the hope that we hang on to.  You are the reason to live and the reason we die.  Because of You we can rest in perfect peace.  Because of You we can laugh in the middle of our storms.  Because of You we can be strong, and whole; even in the midst of our pain and suffering.
If we were running a race today, we would see you cheering us on from the sidelines.  When we approach the finish line, we see You applauding our steps.  You hear Jesus calling out our name; asking You to help us.  You always respond.
When we are tired. You tell us to come to Jesus and we will find rest for our souls.  When we are discouraged, You pick us up and carry us.  In Your great mercy, You provide for our every need.  You are always here.  Your presence goes before us; and we never find ourselves in a situation that You haven’t prepared.  We know that following in Your path, we are safe and loved.
Today, we offer our gratitude for Your care, Your love, Your mercy, Your gentleness, Your loving kindness, and Your gift of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Be blessed as we praise and honored as we worship today.  And may Jesus have first place in our hearts and lives.
In the name of Your son Jesus we ask.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

1 Corinthians 2:9

Good Morning Father,
Your word tells us that we can’t imagine the things that You have prepared for us. Our imagination, even our wildest dreams are inadequate. We can‘t even come close. All the songs written, all the pictures painted, all the sermons preached, or words written, can’t express what you have prepared for us. How can we respond, Father, to such a scripture. How do we anticipate what we can’t imagine?
You must have thought of our limited imaginations because You surprise us with moments in time when you give us little glimpses of what You have in store for us. You bring us unexpected surprises, like a gift of healing, a gift of laughter, a gift of watching a person turn to You; a gift of all of a sudden knowing that You are right with us. We suddenly become aware of You, Your strength for the day; Your rest in our storm; Your hope in our sorrow. You answer a prayer and we are so surprised…..because we truly can’t comprehend what You have in store for us.
You have prepared pain free days, peace filled nights, rest, no tears, no sorrow, no worries or cares, and no more suffering. But when it comes to describing what you have prepared for us, we are complete failures. Anything we can think of, just doesn’t cut it.
How do we say thank you for such a promise. How do we express how much we appreciate You with our limited vocabulary and finite minds. Once again we are faced with our failure to adequately express how good You are to us. So today, Father, we pause…..We say thank you. We say we love You. Andre Crouch wrote, the voices of a million angels could not express my gratitude. That’s the way we feel, Father. So grateful, so loved, and so unable to adequately express our feelings.
We can only ask that you be blessed Father as we praise You. Be honored as we worship You. Forgive our sins….Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done in us today.
In the name of Your Son, Jesus, we pray.

2 Timothy 4.5

Good morning, Father.

This week you’ve brought us more gifts; blessings in the form of friends who come to help us in our need; encouragement in a letter from a far away friend; family members who pop in just to say I love you.
Father give us hearts of gratitude for Your many blessings.
For all of the heroes You have placed in the spotlight of our lives, You remind us that there are many more in the shadows. They don’t get in the news, they don’t draw crowds of people to hear what they have to say; and they don’t write books. They are just busy loving You and serving You. They are the pebble that starts a rock slide. They are the word that fans into flame our desire to draw closer to You. They are the people whose actions inspire us to do something more for You. They aren’t looking for anything for themselves; they are just busy being Jesus to someone else. Help us be Jesus to someone today.
Remind us that the person who is driving us crazy today could be Your next Charles Spurgeon. Remind us that the person to usher in the next revival could be the one we see in the mirror.
Father, we ask You to give us strength to fulfill our ministry. Help us to not only be watchful in all things, but to focus our lives on accomplishing Your purpose in us.. Help us encourage each other to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
Let us be people who bless others and people who excitedly carry Your light and Your healing to those around us. Help us willingly give to others as You have so freely given to us.
Be blessed as we praise, be honored as we worship. And may Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth just as it is in Heaven.
In the name of Your Son Jesus we pray.