Sunday, May 15, 2011

Psalms 4.2-3

Good Morning Father

We have to admit, Father, we know You are good, we know You are filled with love for us. And yet sometimes we wonder about Your ways. We don’t understand them. Do you look in dismay at our ways?

As we approach Easter, the celebration of Jesus resurrection, are you reminded of how we honored Jesus?

Jesus came to defeat our greatest foes and in return, we gave him a procession of honor. Romans, Jews, priests, men, and women walked along, while Jesus tried in vain to carry a heavy cross. We offered taunts, slurs, and mocking. Did our way of expressing honor astound You?

We offered Jesus wine of honor. Instead of the best wine like Jesus gave at the wedding in Cana; instead of using David’s golden cup, we offered vinegar and gall stuffed into his mouth with a sponge. Were you appalled at our actions?

Did we offer Jesus King David’s golden throne, a throne of honor? No, we honored Jesus with a rough piece of wood on a bone exposed back. We offer Jesus the same throne today Father, only we are much more civilized. We simply say, my comfort first, and Jesus get’s the leftovers. Do our ways hurt You, Father? I know our ways, hurt us.

We offered Jesus a title of honor. Pilate sarcastically called him King of the Jews. The Jews righteously called Him King of Thieves by honoring Barabbas first.

Father, we stand without excuse. We are undeserving recipients of mercy, grace, and passionate love. We humbly ask, create in us a clean hearts and renew Your steadfast spirit in us. Restore our souls with the joy Your incredible salvation and uphold us with Your generous Spirit. Forgive our sins, heal our land. Be blessed by our praise; be honored by our worship. And may King Jesus be lifted high today.

We ask in the name of Your Son, our King Jesus.


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