Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Matthew 21:21

Good morning, Father

Some of Your promises are so amazing we are almost afraid to believe them. We’re afraid maybe because we fall so short that your promises just won’t come true. But you didn’t just give us the promises, you backed them up with examples. You gave us the book on making the impossible possible.

You rejoice when we dream of bringing the lost to You. You rejoice when we dream of seeing the sick healed, the lame walking, and the blind receiving sight. You created us to dream and to put our trust and our hope in You. And You used such creativity to give us examples to follow. In our time, eighty year old shepherds don’t stand up to Pharaohs, but God don’t tell that to Moses. He just wouldn’t understand. Neither do teenage shepherds face down giants, but Father, don’t tell that to David. He already proved beyond any doubt that we, just like him, can stand strong in your power and might and defeat the enemy. And don’t tell Peter that our prayers can’t be answered. He caught too many fish and experienced far too much forgiveness to doubt anything You say. We can overcome and the gates of hell, the jaws of death, cannot prevail against us. We can pray, believing, and see our lost brought to You. We can trust You to accomplish those things that we ask.

Today Father, we ask for the lost, our family members, our friends, our co-workers, and those we have yet to meet. We ask You to send workers into the harvest, to help You stop the expansion of hell. We ask for the people on this planet who have yet to hear that You love them. Help us participate in sharing Your love.

Forgive our sins Father and heal our land. Be blessed as we praise, be honored as we worship, and let Your kingdom come and Your will be done in us, just like it is in Heaven.

In the name of Jesus, we pray.


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