Sunday, December 4, 2011

Job 36.26

Good Morning, Father.

Your years are unsearchable. We might be able to discover when the first wave hit the Oregon Coast. We may discover when the first start twinkled in the sky. But we will never discover when You didn’t exist, because You have always been and always will be. You aren’t bound by gravity and time like we are. As the writer said, You are greater than we can begin to understand. That’s OK. It’s an amazing gift to be part of a world where we can have a great big, wonderful, miraculous and marvelous God.

But, Father, you wanted even more for us, so you sent Jesus to earth to change everything. For the first time Heaven heard the words Your time is up. As a baby, Jesus had to leave Bethlehem because his time to be safe there was over. As a child, he had to leave the temple and go with his parents because his time was up. As a man, Jesus had to leave His home and family because that season of his life had ended. And to be our Savior, He had to die because His time on this planet was up. For thirty-three Years, Heaven’s greatest gift, was stuck in the confinement of time.

And soon, Father, the trumpet will sound and our time on this planet will be up. The pain and suffering of this life will be over and we will see Jesus at last. Only then will be able to begin to comprehend Your greatness and Your unsearchable mysteries.

Send Jesus quickly, Father. With hope shining in our hearts and with great joy we anticipate His return.

Be blessed as we praise, be honored as we worship. And let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done in us today.

In the name of Your Son Jesus, we pray.


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